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The Ins and Outs of UVB Phototherapy for Psoriasis Treatment

submitted on 29 April 2023 by
Psoriasis can be a challenging skin condition to manage, but there are various treatments available to help manage or even eradicate the symptoms. One of the most commonly used treatments for psoriasis is phototherapy, specifically ultraviolet B (UVB) phototherapy. In this article, we will delve into the details of UVB phototherapy, including its benefits, risks, and efficacy.

What is UVB phototherapy?

UVB phototherapy is a type of light therapy used to treat psoriasis, as well as other skin conditions such as eczema, vitiligo, and pruritus. It involves the use of a special machine that emits UVB light to the affected areas of the skin. The UVB light penetrates the skin and slows down the growth of skin cells, reducing inflammation, redness, and scaling.

How does UVB phototherapy work?

UVB phototherapy works by slowing down the production of skin cells in the affected areas. In people with psoriasis, skin cells are produced at a much faster rate than usual, leading to the buildup of thick, scaly patches on the skin. UVB light inhibits this process, which reduces the severity of the symptoms.

What are the benefits of UVB phototherapy?

There are numerous benefits to using UVB phototherapy as a treatment for psoriasis. Firstly, it is a non-invasive treatment option, meaning that it does not require any surgery or medication. This makes it a safe and effective option for people who prefer to avoid drugs or other invasive procedures.

In addition, UVB phototherapy is relatively quick and easy to administer. Treatment sessions typically last around 10-15 minutes, and most people require two to three sessions per week for several weeks. This makes it a convenient option for people who lead busy lives.

Finally, UVB phototherapy has been shown to be highly effective in treating psoriasis. Studies have shown that it can reduce the severity of symptoms by up to 75%, which is a significant improvement for anyone struggling with this condition.

What are the risks of UVB phototherapy?

While UVB phototherapy is generally safe, there are some risks associated with this treatment. Firstly, exposure to UVB light can increase the risk of skin cancer, particularly if the treatment is administered over a long period of time. However, the risk of developing skin cancer from this treatment is relatively low, and most people can safely undergo UVB phototherapy without any adverse effects.

Other potential risks of UVB phototherapy include skin irritation, itching, and redness. However, these side effects are usually mild and temporary, and they can be easily managed with the use of topical creams or ointments.

How effective is UVB phototherapy for psoriasis?

UVB phototherapy has been shown to be highly effective in treating psoriasis, particularly when used in combination with other treatments such as topical creams or medications. Studies have shown that around 70-80% of people with psoriasis experience a significant improvement in their symptoms after undergoing UVB phototherapy.

However, it is important to note that UVB phototherapy may not be effective for everyone. People with severe psoriasis may require more intensive treatment options, such as biologics or oral medications, to manage their symptoms.

What are some tips for undergoing UVB phototherapy?

If you are considering undergoing UVB phototherapy for psoriasis, there are several tips you should keep in mind to ensure that you get the most out of your treatment.

Firstly, it is important to follow your healthcare provider's instructions closely. They will give you specific guidelines on how to prepare for your treatment, how long each session will last, and how many sessions you will need. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your treatment is as effective as possible.

Secondly, it is important to protect your skin from the sun during your treatment. UVB light can increase your risk of sunburn and other skin damage, so it is important to wear protective clothing, such as long sleeves and a hat, and to apply sunscreen to any exposed skin.

Finally, it is important to be patient and consistent with your treatment. UVB phototherapy can take several weeks to see results, so it is important to stick with your treatment plan and attend all of your sessions as scheduled.


UVB phototherapy is a safe and effective treatment option for psoriasis, offering numerous benefits over other treatment options. While it may not be suitable for everyone, it is a convenient and non-invasive option for people looking to manage their psoriasis symptoms. If you are considering undergoing UVB phototherapy, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider to determine if it is the right choice for you.

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