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The Curious Case of Gua Sha: An Obscure Skin Care Technique Worth Trying

submitted on 26 October 2023 by


While the modern world of skin care is positively brimming with innovative serums, lotions, and potions, there remains a certain charm in exploring the near-forgotten realms of traditional practices. But fear not, intrepid reader, for I have traversed these dimly-lit corners of dermatological lore for you, to bring you a technique that is at once both ancient and tantalizingly obscure: Gua Sha.

What is Gua Sha?

Gua Sha, a practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, can be loosely translated to mean "scraping away illness." It's a technique that involves gently scraping the skin with a smooth-edged tool, typically made of jade or rose quartz, in order to stimulate blood flow, release tension, and encourage the body's natural healing processes. It's been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, but has recently gained traction in the world of skin care for its purported benefits on the health and appearance of the epidermis.

The Technique in Action

The Gua Sha process may sound like an exercise in medieval torture, but rest assured that it is far gentler than it seems. To begin the ritual, one must first choose a suitably smooth and flat tool, ideally shaped to fit the contours of the face. Traditional Gua Sha tools are made from jade or rose quartz, but those with a more adventurous spirit may opt for a simple spoon or the edge of a credit card.Once armed with your weapon of choice, one must then anoint their visage with a generous layer of oil or lotion, thus reducing friction and allowing the tool to glide smoothly across the skin. With the stage set, the Gua Sha practitioner begins the process of scraping, using gentle, upward strokes along the contours of the face and neck. The key here is to avoid applying too much pressure, lest you leave your countenance resembling a well-tenderized steak.

The Benefits of Gua Sha

While skeptics may scoff at the notion that a simple act of scraping can impart any meaningful benefits to the human epidermis, Gua Sha enthusiasts swear by the technique's ability to improve circulation, release tension, and promote lymphatic drainage. This, in turn, is said to result in a brighter and more youthful complexion, reduced puffiness, and even a lifting and toning effect on the skin.Scientific studies on Gua Sha have thus far been limited, but there is some evidence to suggest that the technique may indeed have a positive impact on skin health. One study found that Gua Sha increased microcirculation in the skin by a staggering 400%, while another reported that participants experienced a significant decrease in muscle tension and pain following treatment.Of course, it's worth noting that the benefits of Gua Sha extend beyond the realm of the superficial. Like any self-care ritual, the practice of Gua Sha also provides a valuable opportunity to connect with oneself, and to make space for relaxation and mindfulness in the often-frenetic world of modern life.

Integrating Gua Sha Into Your Skin Care Routine

For those wishing to dip their toes into the world of Gua Sha, it's important to approach the practice with an attitude of patience and self-compassion. Like any skill, Gua Sha takes time to master, and it's not uncommon for novices to experience some redness or discomfort during their initial forays into the art.Experts recommend incorporating Gua Sha into your skin care routine as a weekly or bi-weekly treatment, ideally in the evenings when your skin is at its most receptive to the healing process. It may also be helpful to consult with a trained Gua Sha practitioner or watch instructional videos to ensure that you're using the correct technique and pressure.
  • Choose a smooth, flat tool made from jade, rose quartz, or a similarly gentle material.
  • Apply a generous layer of oil or lotion to your face and neck.
  • Using gentle, upward strokes, scrape the tool along the contours of your face and neck, being careful not to apply too much pressure.
  • Start with a weekly or bi-weekly Gua Sha treatment, and adjust as necessary based on your skin's needs and reactions.


Gua Sha may be an obscure and ancient technique, but its resurgence in the world of skin care serves as a valuable reminder that there is wisdom to be gleaned from the practices of our ancestors. Whether you're seeking a more radiant complexion, a release from tension, or a moment of connection with yourself, Gua Sha may just prove to be a worthy addition to your self-care repertoire.
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