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Skincare Through the Ages: A Historical Perspective

submitted on 6 June 2023 by
Oh, the irony of it all. Here we are, a society obsessed with youth, beauty, and the pursuit of utterly flawless skin - and yet, the very air we breathe seems to conspire against our most valiant efforts. If pollution, ultraviolet radiation, and the general wear-and-tear of daily life on Earth weren't enough, we can now add "time travel" to the list of factors contributing to our collective skin-care woes. Yes, my friends, it seems the very passage of time itself has been playing a cruel joke on us all these years.

The Ancient Egyptians and the Feline Fixation

Let's begin our skincare journey by traveling back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians. These clever fellas had a thing for cats - and for good reason: felines are known to be quite fastidious when it comes to grooming their luxurious coats. When the Egyptians weren't too busy worshipping their feline deities, they took a few cues from their furry friends and embarked on a quest for beautiful skin. Some of their favorite skincare recipes involved ingredients like honey, milk, and olive oil. While they didn't exactly have a Sephora around the corner, they were undoubtedly on to something.

The Greco-Roman Obsession with Olive Oil

To the ancient Greeks and Romans, olive oil was more than just a flavorful addition to their Mediterranean diets. It was an absolute skincare powerhouse. In fact, it was said that the secret to the legendary beauty of the women of these regions was their liberal use of olive oil as a cleanser, moisturizer, and even sunscreen. Today, olive oil remains a popular ingredient in many skincare products, so it seems our ancient counterparts were truly onto something. So go ahead, slather yourself with some EVOO and pretend you're an insanely attractive ancient deity. No judgment here.

Geisha Glamour in Japan

If there's one thing the Japanese know how to do, it's creating a sense of ritual and art around even the most mundane activities. Skincare is no exception. The Geisha, a group of supremely talented performers and artists, were known for their flawless and porcelain-like complexions. To achieve this look, Geisha would mix a special blend of rice bran, adzuki beans, and camellia oil to create a gentle exfoliant and moisturizer. One look at their radiant faces and you can't help but think they were onto something. So, break out the sushi and let's get our Geisha on!

Medieval Mayhem and Leeches for Lovely Skin

  • Quick disclaimer: The historical practices mentioned in this section are in no way endorsed as modern skincare advice. Please do not, under any circumstances, start slapping leeches on your face. Thank you.
Now, where were we? Ah yes, the Middle Ages. Those were dark times, my friends - and not just because of all the plague and general lack of indoor plumbing. Skincare in the medieval period was a bit, shall we say, "different" than our modern-day regimens. The common belief was that a pale complexion was a sign of nobility and wealth, so women would go to great lengths to achieve that desirable ghostly hue. One such method involved applying (brace yourself) actual leeches to the face in order to drain the blood and give the skin a pallid appearance. I don't know about you, but suddenly that 10-step Korean skincare routine doesn't seem so daunting, now does it?

Victorian-Era Arsenic and Egg Whites: A Deadly Duo

Oh, the Victorians. A people who brought us such delightful concepts as corsets, workhouses, and a penchant for wearing mourning attire for years on end. Their skincare rituals were certainly no less intriguing. In the quest for eternal youth, some Victorian women would ingest and apply concoctions containing arsenic, a highly toxic substance. Others would simply slather their faces with raw egg whites in an attempt to achieve a porcelain-like complexion. (Seriously, what is it with our ancestors and their unabashed love for slathering food on their faces?)

Modern-Day Madness: A Call to Action

So, we've taken a whirlwind tour through history and seen some of the, shall we say, "creative" methods our forebears employed in the name of flawless skin. How do our modern-day rituals stack up in comparison? Sure, we may not be slapping leeches on our faces or eating arsenic tablets, but our obsession with youth and beauty has led to some pretty extreme measures (looking at you, Botox). What lessons can we learn from this historical perspective on skincare? Firstly, don't be too quick to judge our ancestors for their slightly bizarre beauty rituals - we too may look back on our own practices one day and wonder what on earth we were thinking. Secondly, some natural ingredients (like olive oil) have stood the test of time and will likely continue to play a significant role in our skincare efforts. And finally, the pursuit of beautiful skin is one that transcends time, culture, and geography - it's clear that we humans are a vain bunch, and there's nothing wrong with that.
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