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Negative Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Skin

submitted on 21 December 2020 by
Negative Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Skin Not getting enough sleep has a tremendous effect on your skin and your overall health. Sleep deprivation may put you at risk for developing chronic health conditions, as lack of sleep can mess with your physical, emotional and mental state. In fact, it is estimated that 90% of people suffering from insomnia also have underlying health conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease. 

What are the Causes of Sleep Deprivation?
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine reports that around 30% of adults in the U.S. get insufficient sleep regularly. Some of its most common causes include sleep disorders such as sleep apnea (regardless if you're using a CPAP machine and a CPAP machine cleaner or not), a chronic illness, anxiety, stress, medications, aging, and chronic health conditions. It may also be caused by too much caffeine intake.

What are the Signs of Sleep Deprivation?
Some of the common signs of sleep deprivation include frequent yawning, irritability, daytime fatigue, memory issues, low sex drive, poor balance, and skin issues.

5 Ways Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Skin
If you're suffering from sleep deprivation, we recommend that you speak with a doctor as soon as possible. This way, you may also get the help you need, and prevent its negative effects on your skin and physical appearance.

Sleep deprivation may lead to inflammation and breakouts
Sleep-deprived people experience inflammation and chemical imbalance in the skin that may lead to acne, eczema and even psoriasis. These flare ups usually arise on the face. Lack of sleep may also bring about skin allergies in some cases. 

Sleep deprivation can dry out your skin
Less sleep time can also make your skin look dry and dehydrated. During sleep, our body's hydration level rebalances and recovers extra moisture, which can help smoothen out wrinkles and fine lines. So, if you have dry skin, before thinking about changing your body lotion, you may also want to check if your skin texture is caused by not getting enough sleep.

Sleep deprivation can make your skin look dull
Research suggests that you also appear more unhappy when you're not getting enough rest. For starters, you look tired and less energetic because sleep deprivation has also been associated with droopy corners of the mouth, and having more hanging eyelids.

Some people also experience having pale skin and puffy eyes after a few nights of not getting enough slumber because of poor blood circulation and water retention in the body. 

Sleep deprivation can make you look older
Simply put, not getting enough sleep ages your skin faster than it should. Inadequate sleep affects cell renewal that your body usually undergoes during sleep. Not getting enough sleep results in the release of a stress hormone called cortisol. The more cortisol your body releases, the more it can break down collagen, which is the protein that keeps your skin smooth and elastic. Increased cortisol production is also directly linked to hair loss, fine lines, and dark undereye.

Your skin heals longer when you lack sleep
Lack of quality sleep also deteriorates the skin's ability to repair itself. This can be why you tend to bruise more, or your wounds tend to heal longer when you're sleep-deprived. 

How to Get More Good Quality Sleep suggests that adults should get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day. On the other hand, babies, children and teens need more than 8 hours of sleep for their growth and development. People over the age of 65 should also get 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

But it's good to remember that it's not just about quantity. A good night's sleep is just as important as getting a good exercise for our body to function normally. This means that, aside from the amount of sleep that you get, you should aim for good quality ones also. A study conducted in Switzerland showed that good quality sleepers recovered more efficiently from stressors to the skin. The study also showed that poor quality sleepers were significantly more likely to have a higher body mass index than those who achieve quality sleep. 

Here are some tips that can help you get more high-quality sleep:
  • Set a screen time limit for your gadgets and get rid of them an hour or at least 30 minutes before you go to bed.
  • Stick to a sleep routine by sleeping and waking up on the same hour.
  • Invest in a good mattress and good pillows for your utmost comfort.
  • Reduce your blue light exposure before going to bed so you can sleep early.
  • Take a warm bath to prepare your body to sleep.
If you are suffering from sleep apnea, ask your doctor about using a CPAP machine and a CPAP cleaner to help you breathe better during sleep. Sleep apnea patients have reported better sleeping habits after the continuous use of a CPAP machine.

Final Thoughts
Sleep is one of the major contributing factors to a youthful, healthy ,and vibrant skin. It can also help your body function well, and prevent chronic conditions that can take a toll in your lifestyle and happiness in the long run. If you are experiencing trouble sleeping or you are finding it hard to get a good night's sleep, we recommend that you consult a sleep specialist to properly diagnose your condition.

Finally, if you're suffering from sleep apnea and are using a CPAP machine, we offer a CPAP machine cleaner that can help you keep your equipment clean and safe at all times. Our CPAP clear uses both UV light and ozone, is lightweight and portable, and comes with a two-year warranty. To learn more about this product, read our frequently asked questions.

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