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Dealing with 'Maskne': Skincare in the Pandemic Era

submitted on 25 July 2023 by

Introducing the Pandemic's Unwelcome Guest: 'Maskne'

As if the global pandemic wasn't enough, our faces have now become an unwelcoming host to its parasitic spawn, the dreaded 'Maskne'. Yes, that's right, the fusion of 'mask' and 'acne' has created a leviathan of skin-related catastrophes, all because we're trying to keep each other safe from a potentially deadly virus. What a joyous time to be alive!

Understanding the Maskne Menace

Now, let's get to the root (or should I say pore) of the problem. Maskne is caused by the constant friction of the mask against our pristine, once-glowing faces. This delightful chafing results in irritation, inflammation, and eventually, the emergence of acne. Couple this with the humidity and bacteria breeding beneath our masks, and we're left with a facial disaster that not even Photoshop can fix.

Avoiding the Maskne Apocalypse: Practical Tips

While it might seem like we're doomed to endure this new-age plague, fear not! Here are some practical tips to help you avoid the Maskne apocalypse:
  • Choose your mask wisely: Say goodbye to your fashion-forward, leopard-print mask and opt for one made from a more breathable and skin-friendly fabric, such as cotton. Your skin will thank you for it.
  • Wash your mask regularly: Just as you wouldn't rewear your underwear without washing (I hope), make sure you clean your mask regularly to avoid the buildup of bacteria, oil, and other delightful skin-irritants.
  • Keep your skincare routine simple: Now is not the time to experiment with a 12-step Korean skincare routine, as tempting as it may be. Instead, opt for a simple, gentle cleanser and moisturizer to keep your skin clean and hydrated.
  • Avoid makeup: I know it's hard to part ways with your beloved foundation and contouring kit, but trust me on this one. Makeup can clog your pores and exacerbate the Maskne monster lurking beneath your mask.
  • Wash your face frequently: Make sure you're giving your face a good scrub with a gentle cleanser at least twice a day. After all, a clean face is a happier face.

When Maskne Strikes: How to Fight Back

If, despite your valiant efforts, Maskne has still managed to infiltrate your once-immaculate visage, there's no need to despair. Here's how to fight back and reclaim your rightful place as the ruler of your own face:
  • Don't pick or pop: As tempting as it may be, picking or popping your pimples will only worsen the situation and leave you with unsightly scars that'll make you wish you were still wearing a mask.
  • Use over-the-counter treatments: Look for products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These trusty ingredients will help unclog your pores and reduce inflammation, sending Maskne back to the hellish depths from which it came.
  • Consult a dermatologist: If your Maskne is particularly persistent, don't be afraid to seek professional help. Besides, who doesn't want an excuse to talk about themselves and their skin issues for an hour straight?

Embracing the Silver Linings

In a world where we're all wearing masks, let's take a moment to appreciate the silver linings. For one, you no longer need to worry about mastering the perfect smirk or hiding your disdain for your coworker's terrible jokes during Zoom meetings. Your mask will do the job for you!And let's not forget that, as we bid adieu to communal bowls of chips and shared drinks, we're also saying goodbye to a multitude of germs and bacteria. If you think about it, Maskne might just be the lesser of two evils.

In Conclusion: The Battle Continues

While it's clear that the pandemic has brought with it a plethora of challenges, we must not let Maskne defeat us. By taking care of our skin and following the tips provided, we can continue to wear our masks with pride, knowing that we're doing our part to keep ourselves and others safe. Remember, just because we're at war with a virus, doesn't mean we need to wage battle against our own faces as well. Remain vigilant, stay strong, and together, we'll emerge from this era with our skin (mostly) intact.
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